here we go again

When I finally get around to writing a/my book I’m certain it will be in December. Project reverb is directly responsible for some of my most productive writing.

I’m also certain that it will be at the end of the most amazing/kick ass year of my life. This unfortunately is not that year and so still no book on the horizon.

I kicked off this year as hopeful as ever. I was finally out of the zombie state of a new baby. I was in the middle of a #RWrunstreak (I kept it going for 100 days). It only ended because I ran the hottest LA Marathon in the last 10 years.

I had only about a month on, on the new job that had gotten me out of a deep funk that comes with extended periods of time away from the work force.

This year had all the makings of a great year. Even as I type that I can already tell I expected a lot more than what actually was. Now I suppose that is why I love this reverb, because even as I typed that I was forced to think about all the great things that happened to me this year despite the bad things.

For one I kicked this year off with my family in my arms. At the stroke of midnight I hugged the three of them. So today as we kick off the last month of the year, I remind myself that where I am won’t matter as much as who I’m with when we bid 2014 adieu!

Project Reverb!

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