#projectreflect12 ~ December 14, 2012: Remember Me

December 14: Remember Me

Perhaps you did something this year that made you stick out among the crowd. What is one thing you did in 2012 that you want people to remember you by? Additionally, is there anything that happened this year that you don’t want to be remembered by?


I want to be remembered this year and every year after this as someone who made a difference in somebody's life. I'm honored and lucky enough to be a father and well I think I've been given a gift of being responsible for giving this world a productive and even kinder version of myself. I've dedicated this year to being kind to those people that surround me and my family. 

I want to be remembered as the type of person who helps out and lends a hand in any way he can. I may not be in the position to provide financial help that I know is sometimes crucial but in the time I can give my time and serve the community that I live in. By doing so teaching my son that this is the only way to live life. He won't have to work hard at it he'll be raised that way. 

I don't want to be remembered as the parent of someone the world will view as a burden but as a special person. Someone who will make a huge difference in the world. Hopefully inspired by my small part in the ripple that is a good deed. 

#projectreflect12 ~ December 13, 2012: Loss

December 13: Loss

We’ve all experienced loss at some point in our lives, whether it was the loss of a loved one or a family pet, or maybe you lost something that was deeply important to you that you can’t get back. Did you experience loss in 2012? What was it, and how did it affect you emotionally?


Dear Grandma, 

I miss you! I've been thinking a lot about you these last couple of weeks as I reflect on my year. A few days ago I wrote about how awful I felt at my behavior those last couple of days. I am so sorry and I know I will for the rest of my life live with those decisions. I find myself finding solace in the fact that in turn I will also never be allowed to forget you.

I've discussed your passing with many friends. Some that knew of you and some that didn't have the pleasure of meeting you and what I got from both groups is that you'll never really leave me so long as I don't forget you. So as I do with everything important in my life I'll write about it. Except that as writing my post about you a few days back was excruciating. I decided to write to you. I'm torn about religion as you very well know. What I do know is that you believe. So then, I should believe you can read this. 

Karl turned 7 this year on your birthday! He had an amazing day and just as you might imagine we wished you a happy birthday as well. As we now prepare for our first Holiday season with your smiles and stolen pictures (because I know how much you hated taking them). I'll add that I really hope everyone can keep it together. My mom misses you so much. 

I hope this is the first of many letters. Although I'm sure I won't be sharing many others. 

Your loving grandson,


#projectreflect12 ~ December 12, 2012:


December 12: A Blogger’s Prerogative

Since you’re following these prompts, you’re more than likely a blogger. Was there a time this year where you received a comment on a blog post that made you want to just throw in the blogging towel and shut down your blog? Maybe you deleted the comment but it’s still bugging you. Call that person out (but not by name) and tell them how their comment made you feel! And if you haven’t gotten any particularly rude comments, write to someone that pissed you off! Get it all out!


I am a blogger. I can't say that I was hurt or angered by any specific comments this year. I didn't do much writing as fas as "CallejasThinks" is concerned. On other more personal writing any comments would mean a lot more. 

What I do admit to is to a few different people really upsetting me this year. I'd like to point out that every single one of these instances I racked my mind trying to figure out where I went wrong! So as I tried and think who this letter should be addressed to, I decided it was for me. 

Dear Jose,

I'm disappointed man! As upset as you were at different times this year nothing compares to how you handled some of these situations. I don't like the time you spent being angry. Time flies by as it is, with out you wasting time feeling like crap for something we have no control of. You're usually so positive and it has brought you this far. Lets not start a downward spiral into hate.

So here's to taking a breather the next time someone upsets me. So that I don't give anyone the power to dictate my day. I may not be able to completely control everything but I will do my best 

#projectreflect12 ~ December 11, 2012: Bookworm



December 11: Bookworm

Did you read a book this year that changed your life? What was it? What was it about? Would you recommend it to other people? Additionally, did you read a book that was absolutely terrible and left you wondering why the heck you read it?


I read quite a few books this year. I did not quite make my goal of 24 books but more than doubled the number of books I read in 2011. I’m actually only five books short of my goal and by end of year I should be done with my current read “No Easy Day” I guess I could try and sneak in an extra four books. Yet that’s not how or why I read.

I read to escape. I travel along side the characters in my books. I feel their pain and their happiness. I am really moved or disgusted depending on the tone or direction the author wants to take me in. I try and imagine how someone might feel as they read words I’ve so meticulously picked to tell my story. It really is an experience for me and so my goal of 24 books was a bit ambitious but more of a reminder to read, always.

Out the 20 books I lived this year the one that really was quite special was “The Art of Racing in the Rain”. I have to admit that with the title I expected a fast paced book and turns and crashes and any other pun you might imagine. It did take a little while to get going. In fact I began reading this book at the beginning of the year. I then misplaced it for months before getting back to it. I actually only went to finish it because I hate leaving books halfway through. (why I’ve read a lot of crappy books along with the gems) I’m looking at you Nicholas Sparks. 

I came back to it and realized as the main character in the book had mentioned “only those who are ready” I guess when I didn’t fine the book until I was ready to read what old Enzo had to say. Enzo is a dog, only he is/was so much more than that. I’d say this book is about perspective and life and how one life affects so many. It also made me think about how difficult communication can be between people not just pets. Whether it’s an age gap or gender gap. All that is lost between folks when communication is non existent. 

This was one of the many books I’ve turned the last page feeling like I’ve been given knowledge beyond what I deserved and feel helpless when those around me are just going about their business. I want to share and how could they ever understand. It took so long for me to understand. Months because I almost walked away from a great book. I wonder what I what I would be missing had I never finished reading it. 

Have any of you read it? What are your thoughts? Will you read it? Any books you’re certain I should read. I’m always, always game for book recommendations.


#projectreflect12 ~ December 10, 2012: Ten Words


December 10: Ten Words

Rather than picking just one word to describe 2012, what are 10 words that you can use to describe 2012? Why did you choose these words, and how do they make you feel? If you can’t pick 10, pick as many as you can come up with. Are there any words for 2012 that you don’t want to see in 2013? Additionally, are there any words you wanted to use for 2012 but didn’t?


Eventful – I had so many wonderful events. From races to fundraisors I spent just about every weekend with friends or family and sharing in life and all it’s glory. 

Exciting – The night before my races is a rollercoaster of emotions. Yet over all it’s an excitement that I’m certain will never get old. 

Busy – The time it takes to maintain the endurance for all these events does not go unnoticed. Add a full time job to the mix and we’re talking two full time jobs.

Sad – I lost my grandmother this year. I will never forget the pain I felt during those final good byes. 

Memorable – A lot of first happened this year, as well as a lot of last. I spent some pretty amazing days remembering those lost. Trying to keep those memories alive even though they aren’t with us physically.

Speeding – I just started reflecting on 2012 a full 10 days has passed us by. Perfect example of what this year did. 

Sweaty – Have you read any of my post. I make it a point to sweat just about every day. 

Satisfying – I really loved this year and am overall satisfied with my accomplisments. 

Crossroads – I’ve really had to look at what is going on with my life and if I’d continue on the road I’m on or if it’s time to make a turn. 

Gone – This year is gone of course and as I look back I’m grateful but I can’t wait to see what 2013.

I don’t want to see the word “sad” next year. Every other word I want back next year. I also want to add “travel” to it. & “succesful”. Here’s to 2013, Cheers!!!!!! 

#projectreflect12 ~ December 9, 2012: Happy Days


December 9: Happy Days

Sometimes, there is just one day out of 365 that is just so amazing, that you’re just blissfully *happy*, even when things don’t go your way. Has there been a day this year that sticks out in your mind, where you’ve just been so happy that you had to shout it from the rooftops? What happened? What made that day better than any other day in 2012?


I had many happy days this year. None as happy as I felt the day before the marathon. The Los Angeles Marathon is still my baby as it comes to races. It was my first marathon. The one I grew up reading about. This year was the 3rd time I was running the 26.2 miles that makes it’s way from “stadium to the sea”. 

This year though I was running it with my wife. Since the previous November we’d been training diligently and it was about to pay off. Kalel came with the both of to the expo this time. The first year we all came together but he found only one name on the vehicle. The second year it was actually just him and I and mommy at work. So to have her there and picking up a bib of her own was incredible.

We completed the show of love for our son by making our race bibs match with the corresponding Kalel’s dad, and Kalel’s mom. They were a hit at the expo as well as the following day as we covered the marathon distance. Which by the way one might think is the happiest day. Not by far for me. What was amazing to me was the time spent together with my wife. We got closer than we’d been in quite some time.

#projectreflect12 ~ December 8, 2012: Practice Makes Perfect

December 8: Practice Makes Perfect

Some things get better over time. Maybe you started something like Couch to 5K in the beginning of the year, and now you’ve run your first marathon. Perhaps you couldn’t boil water, and now you’re a gourmand in the kitchen. What is something you started in the beginning of 2012 that you can now do better at the end? How was the journey along the way?



If I started one thing this year was trying to take pictures other than of my food. For one I’m not fully content about what I’m eating. (A project destined to take shape in 2013) I am though amazed at how beautiful our everyday surrounding can be. Since I see a lot of while walking or running alone I thought I’d take picture of what I saw around me and post those result.


As the year kicked off I started with a project a picture a day. I was full of energy and then trying to take the perfect picture everyday, became a tiresome task instead of the fun. Simply setting my own internal rules about what needed to happen or not did wonders and now I may only take one or two a week but I feel when I’m inspired to take one it’s for a good reason.


It’s not an easy task because as it is with my writing I’m really self conscience of what anyone person might feel/think/need to say whethere it’s bad or now. Yet, as the year passed I look forward to the next best thing to photograph. I can see this being a thing that only gets better as 2013 rolls in and knocks at our door

#projectreflect12 ~ December 7, 2011: Leaving on a Jetplane

December 7: Leaving on a Jetplane

Did you take a particularly amazing vacation this year? Where did you go? What did you see? How did you get there? How did you document it? And if you didn’t travel anywhere spectacular, describe your dream vacation.


In 2012 if I was going somewhere “I was running”!


I was lucky enough to get away from life/responsiblity/Los Angeles quite a bit this year. We took a trip to the big Island. (Coronado Island that is). We had an amazing view of the Coronado Bridge. I was lucky enough to have Ran there from Los Angeles. My wife and son drove down on the second day of my Rangar Relay to meet me there and we made a weekend of it. I took plenty of pictures but mainly I wrote about it in my journal and vowed to do it again before the year was over. 


Before the year ended I again ran a Ragnar Relay and this time the finish line was Las Vegas. More amazing views and this time I had my wife and son and even my parents to enjoy the wonderful views and festivities. It truly is a sight and very different from the Vegas we see on post cards. I’d dare to say it was the first time I really saw Las Vegas and the first time we’d been over there for 4 days. I for one can’t wait to go back. 

What I did not do in 2012 is go on the cruise of Kalel’s dreams (Disney cruises). Here’s to hoping. At this time next year I can write about the runs I had in the middle of the ocean and at least a couple international runs. (Ragnar is having it’s first international race. Niagra Falls here I come) If not that then any other city marathon. I want to be that person at the Expo, in town specifically for a race with all the time to enjoy the Expo and not just a burden between work days or traffic riddled commute home. 

Here’s to getting away! 


#projectreflect12 ~ December 6, 2012: Be Kind, Rewind


Be Kind, Rewind

We all do stupid things once in a while, because we’re all human. If it was possible to hit the rewind button, is there something that happened this year, or a particularly awful day, that you would like to rewind and do over?


I can’t really say we all do stupid things once in a while but I’ll be there first to say that I do. This year, even while remember my accomplisthments (yesterday), I had my fair share of dumb moments. A couple fender benders. A few quetionable purchases, and who can forget the total lack of fashion sense simply because my job doesn’t really have a dress code. 

So basically there is not one day that sticks out as particularly aweful. I love everday even when I know before hand it’s going to be “crappy”. (laundry day for example) Especially when I get to the end of the day and I’m happy it’s over. Even then I’m just grateful that I woke up and look forward to see what tomorrow will hold. 

I guess if I had a rewind button I’d have to use it a whole lot more than for one day. a la “click” style. I’d do it for any day that I let emotions get the better of me. Anyday I let myself lose my temper when I know better than that. When I failed to be the voice of reason and logic that both my son and wife have learned to appreciate if not love. 

Take this view above for example no matter what a wild ride any day of the year might have brought. Life is great because until death takes us we can still look up and see things like this and I know this to be true regardless of where you might be. In the not to distant past I was a long, long way from home and yet everyonce in a while I’d take a moment and look towards the horizon. I am till this day, in awe of the beauty that being alive was giving me.

Surely I can remember to do that at home when life gets a little tough. 

#projectreflect12 ~ December 5, 2012: Accomplishments


December 5: Accomplishments

Did you finally land your dream job? Did you have your first child? Did you finally find “the one?” What is your biggest accomplishment for 2012?


When my wife and I rang in the new year at a pretty low key gathering. The guest list had been finalized weeks in advance and it turned out to be a perfect evening. Dinner was amazing and the wine was always an arms lenth away. So was the apple cider though of that I was sure. My 6 year old would not have had it any other way.

Yes it was a party of 3. Dinner was homecooked and we watched as countries from around the globe rang in the new year and we just chatted the night away. Thinking he wouldn’t make it till midnight but that he did even if by 12:05am he was out cold.

This memory is vivid to me because as I tried to think of my biggest accomplishment I’d have to say how united my little family was and grew to be even more this year. This was the kick off to this amazing year that we are about to say good bye to. It was not with out it’s hardships, but through it all we were together. 

Not too long after that night we as a family headed to San Diego for our very first 10K as a family. I’ve been running for a few years and my family had watched from the crowds and I don’t think they fully understood the euphoria you feel at the finish line of any race. This all changed as we ran our 6.2 miles together. If you’d ask us a few month before what we’d be doing for Valentine’s Day weekend, I would have probably said I was running but not all of us. My wife was running and so was our 6 year old. 

The following month I ran yet another marathon except this time when the wall loomed ahead I smashed through it because I was in awe of my wife and the fact that she was out there on that same course running to inspire our son as well. I’d never been a huge fan of the finish line photo but I couldn’t resist a picture of the three of us. The two of us with medals around our neck and Kalel looking up at us with admiration.

In 2011 that was the end of any racing until the fall when I swam/biked/ran a triahlon and tackled the Spartan race. In 2012 though I managed to fit in more than twice as many races. A couple of half marathons. Hollywood half with it’s monster hill at the end of the race. How insane, the race directors are using the hill no longer being part of the course as a major selling point. Toughmudder was no joke either. Odd looking medal I know but I’ll take it. I earned that 80’s memorabilia.

The most fun I’ve had in my running this year was taking on the Ragnar Relay. I did two this year. The SoCal Race in April and the Las Vegas Race just last month. Incredibly fun both occasions and mentally tough as far as races went. I love the bling I earned by running both. In both instanses we got out of town as a family. Again the main theme was together. Our roadtrips or personal appearances (at the in-laws) were scheduled around our running. October had another half. Long Beach thanks to a combination of two loves running and social media. (VW’s twitter campaign)

Just this last weekend I ran another Spartan Race. For the first time this year my wife was not at the finish line. Thankfully my son was there to hold down the fort at the finish line because they both truly are a burst of energy as I low crawl under the barbed wire through soft mud that wasn’t as soft as one would think.

I have one more race this upcoming Saturday. Santa to the Sea. I’ll be running with my fellow race ambasadors for the New Year’s Race! My wife will be there this time so I need to hurry up and finish. Just because they come and wait for me doesn’t mean they need to wait even 1 more minute than they have to. Definitely motivates me to get back quickly. 

As I recall my year of racing I think they are all great accomplishments. I hope to best the year in number of races and outcomes. Yet I have to add the truly biggest accomplishment is that this all happend while I’m now working a full time job. For the past 3 years and as I kicked off my running “career” I think I even believed that I ran and worked out so much because of my (un)employment status. So to have maintain and even recommited to a healthy life of continuous movement is huge. I credit the family support I have and the belief that when I run I’m a better person.