How did you #resound11? This is how I did. Happy New Year!

What a month it was? Yes it’s a New Year but I’m grateful I took the time to #resound11 and it did help slow the month from just ending with out some self reflection and hopefully being a place to look back at. I wrote every day and followed along with each prompt. Read one or read them all. Come back once or come back often! I enjoyed the journey and I hope you enjoy reading. Which do you do you like best? Which spoke to you? Do you agree, disagree? It took me full circle and helped transition 2011 to 2012. I hope for a succefull year. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll agree Callejas thinks it’s all going to work out. 

1. One Word

2. Vices

3. Virtues

4. Superpower

5. Theme Song

6. Thelma & Louise

7. Achievement Unlocked

8. Catch Phrase

9. Best Photo

10. High/Low

11. Best Meal

12. 12 in 12

13. Best Gift

14. Home is…

15. Discovery

16. Ordinary Extraordinary

17. Appreciate

18. Tradition

19. Then & Now

20. Elevator Speech

21. Embrace

22. Identify The Problem

23. Today Is All You Have

24. Try

25. All Is Love

26. Outro

27. Everything Is Going To Be OK

28. Five Things

29. Let Go

30. Future Self

31. One Word

#resound11 ~ December 6, 2011: Thelma & Louise

Thelma & Louise: Who is the Thelma to your Louise? Who is your partner in crime? Did you reacquaint yourself with an old friend? Did you make a new friend? Or, perhaps, you are a lone ranger?

Today is the 6th day of #resound11. It’s getting easier to picture my post the moment I see the prompt because I’ve come to terms with I’m going to post no matter what. This blog I’m sharing yes, but it’s for me. It’s so that this month slows down and so that one day I can use it as a blue print of where I was in my life. Of what 2011 meant to me. 

I’ll answer this prompt in reverse order.

Perhaps, you are a lone ranger? I truly am. I tell a lot of my friends that they should consider themselves the lucky few becasue I truly don’t like people. I guess that’s an over-simplication of things but also rooted in some truth. I like doing things alone things alone although I don’t like being alone. I know hard to crack. Already blowing your mind? I’ll assume that’s why my friends are few. Lets just say in that aspect I go for quality not quantity. 

Did you make a new friend? I made more friends this year than I had in over 10 years. The last time I made this amount of friends and made this type of connection was when I joined the Marine Corps. I did not go back to war this summer per se but I did sweat and bleed (first time clipping in to the bike) during my triathlon training. I know in my heart I’ve made some lifelong friends. Along with those folks I’ve also met quite a few folks over the internet that I’m sure I will never meet in person but I interact with on a regular basis. Most recently though this #resound/reverb project as well as through out the year because of The3six5. (update: I’m going to be a guest editor two different month next year) 

Did you reacquaint yourself with an old friend? I think through a lot of personal struggle I have become reaquanted with myself and who I truly am at my core. I’m grateful for this because through this reacquaintance I have come to truly appreciate the woman I call wife and the power-house she has truly become. The moment I began being true to myself I no longer pushed those away that have always been there for me wether I wanted them to be or not. Among those people my parents and my siblings. 

Who is the Thelma to your Louise? Who is your partner in crime? Now for the best part of this prompt. The questions that had me smiling from the moment I opened the post. No one that knows me would disagree that the Thelma to my Louise is my son Kalel S. Callejas (yes his middle initial is S. awesome I know) The pictures above are only a small glimpse in to how he was always there for me as I was there for him. As you can imagine the one behind the lens is my wife, but she will the first to tell you how his smile can lift us both from any abyss we might descend to. I consider myself lucky to have such unconditional love from this little man. I know he may not consider me his best friend forever but one day I’ll tell him how and what he did for me.